A leadership lesson from 'Saving Private Ryan' 💎 Issue #24
Plus: Mouth-watering Focaccias, Huge concerts and a Startup triggered in Portugal.
Happy Sunday!
What’s up? 👇
This is the 25th issue of This Week’s Worth.
What a cool trip this has been.
This is the time for a more serious retrospective and wonder if this is something that I want to continue sending to you girls and boys. I’m also considering moving the day I send it back to Friday and leave Sunday just for you.
Anyway, on to this week’s links.
New to me 💡
The History of Paint-by-Numbers | 3 min read
Just when you thought Leonardo da Vinci couldn’t be credited with inventing more things. You remember these from when you were a kid right? Different shapes with different numbers, you paint the same numbers with the same color and you get something that looks like… a painting by a kid. A fun read about something I forgot that existed.
Pete Carroll gets more out of football players by seeing more than football players | 5 min read
Pete Carrll is a football (the american kind) coach. As it happens with all the successful ones, his leadership is studied under the microscope throughout the season, and in this article we get a glimpse of what might be unique about Pete Carroll’s approach. “Carroll’s superpower is that he is all over the place and comfortable being that way. Such agility enables him to be a shape-shifter, a coach who prefers to customize himself to tap into the diverse personalities and talents of his roster.”
'Saving Private Ryan's' Lessons in Chaos Navigation | 2 min read
The Daily Coach is one of my favorite newsletters. This is one of their recent issues about one of my favorite movies and a leadership lesson within it.
How Genovese Focaccia Bread Is Made In Italy | 13 min watch
Probably not a healthy thing to do. Watching this video in pandemic times, not actually eating all the focaccia you can afford. Whou would have thought that focaccia is not bread. Now I know.
BIGGEST CONCERTS Comparison | 2 min watch
When comparing crowd sizes and, legendary, Queen’s concert in Live Aid is the smallest of the bunch, you know you’re in for some astonishment.
A most “close to home” tweet 🍲

This week in a gif 🛡️

High note ⚡
Last week’s most clicked link was Things to Do When You're Bored.
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together. If so, I’d love if you shared it with some friends.
You can also show some love by clicking that tiny ❤️ at the top of the email. It would help spread the word.
If you are one of those friends and someone shared this with you, you are in luck, buy them a beer next time you are together, and meanwhile, you can subscribe to This Week’s Worth here:
Until next week,