What’s up? 🔝
And here’s the best stuff I found on the Internet this week.
New to me 💡
Thank God for ‘Minecraft’. | 3 min read
This is a story on the power of videogames for good. We all know the right games for the right people are pretty close to crack cocaine, but what if the kinds of feats our children accomplish there are unavailable for them in real-life? This is especially true in times of lockdowns, but concentration for understanding, design, and execution of serious decisions will always be skills that we want to foster, and videogames come up on top when compared to some kinds of homework.
Make Your Own Damn Mental Models | 10 min read
One of the most approachable and prescriptive articles on the Mental Models topic. Turns out the best way to gain from their use is for us to come up with them, and not so much get them from a list. “Darlene saved the baby’s life. How did she do it? The other nurse on duty had the same baby in front of her, and the same information available. But neither that nurse nor the machines monitoring the baby had noticed a problem. Darlene did. When asked for an explanation by researchers, Darlene said that “she carried around a picture in her mind of what a healthy baby ought to look like- and the infant in the crib, when she glanced at her, hadn’t matched that image.”
Here's Your Everclear Review, Damnit! | 3 min watch
What else could an unemployed sommelier turn to other than reviewing the most popular, quality, drinks and spirits of our time? Or, you know, this behemoth of a bottle that, for those unaware, contains inside a 95% alcohol substance. Here’s one of the funniest guys starting on Youtube for our viewing pleasure.
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A most ludic tweet 🎲

This app I found 📱
Colorize | I’m not sure if I’m the best person to take advantage of this but it provides a fun exercise. “Colorize is a website that turns any word or phrase into a hex color” by averaging the color of the top 25 images on a search engine.
This week in a gif ✂️
High note ⚡
Last issue most clicked link was the app Thingybase.
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together.
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If you are one of those friends and someone shared this with you, you are in luck, buy them a beer next time you are together, and meanwhile, you can subscribe to This Week’s Worth here:
Until next week,