Another appearance of a favorite 💎 Issue #25
Plus: how to love your first efforts and a tiny lovely app.
Hey there!
What’s up? 👇
Here we are. Still on a Sunday. So far so good.
I hope you and your ones are happy and healthy. And now, to this week’s newsletter…
New to me 💡
Early Work | 9 min read
How come do we expect to be great at something when we start it? And why would we use that first impression to have such a big influence on the decision to continue doing it or not? Pretty irrational of us, isn’t it. What might not be irrational is the fear of doing something lame before starting. Paul Graham offers some ideas on how to handle/use this fear and enjoy your early work.
The Laws of Investing | 19 min read
With the rivers of money flowing into your bank account due to the pandemic (where are we supposed to spend our money without leaving our house?), this article might come in handy. These “laws” range in complexity and how much one might have to invest, but, as usual, there’s always something for everyone.
Why New York City is so Huge | 10 min watch
Yup, it’s New York again. If I go through something NY related during the week it’s probably going to end up here. Well, this video kind of explains why that is. ‘Huge’ here is not about size, or population, as much as it is about impact or influence. Oh, and the amount the dutch paid the native Americans for Manhattan is not going to surprise you.
A most feline tweet 🐈

This app I discovered 🔎
Text Fairy (Android) | I’ve been looking for something like this for a while. I highlight the books I read and with this, I don’t need to transcribe by hand the largest sections. I just take a picture of the page, select the area that I want to capture, and then I just send the recognized text to my note-taking app. It’s awesome.
This week in a gif 👨✈️

High note ⚡
Last week’s most clicked link was The Daily Coach newsletter.
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together. If so, I’d love if you shared it with some friends.
You can also show some love by clicking that tiny ❤️ at the top of the email. It would help spread the word.
If you are one of those friends and someone shared this with you, you are in luck, buy them a beer next time you are together, and meanwhile, you can subscribe to This Week’s Worth here:
Until next week,