Extracting lessons from Tarantino 💎 Issue #37
Plus: Key-takeaways from Jeff Bezos's letters and a guide for (micro) entrepreneurs.
Hi there!
What’s up? 🔝
Here’s the best stuff I found on the Internet this week.
New to me 💡
Key-takeaways from Jeff Bezos's 23 letters to Amazon shareholders | 3 min read
Like it or not, Amazon became something that the majority of businesses aim for: successful in selling to millions of customers what they were looking for. I’m sure luck played its part, as it always does, but the ideas, and focus, of Jeff Bezos during the last 23 years can probably help explain it. I never read one of his letters, but I know of their fame, so it was really nice to get this ultra-distilled version of them. Here’s the one from 2015: “Big winners pay for so many experiments. Outsized returns come from betting against conventional wisdom, which is usually right. Given a 10% chance of a 100X payoff, you should take that bet every time. But you’re still going to be wrong nine times out of ten.”
Micro-SaaS Guide: Build a Profitable Business in 2021
Here’s another for the entrepreneurs between you. This is a series of articles on the journey of finding, developing, and selling a very small, and profitable, idea. You can go through all of them in roughly an hour and I thought that the examples besides the theory were what gave these articles special utility.
How 'The Hateful Eight' Turns Limitation Into Brilliance | 7 min read
Now that I think of it this piece on The Hateful Height’ contains principles not just about filmmaking but for any kind of creative endeavor. In a world of abundance and options, it’s becoming clear that the easiest thing to do is not choosing, but becoming paralyzed by so many choices. In deciding to film an entire movie, and a great one at that, in the same space, Tarantino was not making his task necessarily easier or harder, but, I want to say, fresh(?), and automatically, more engaging. With all the benefits you get when extra-engaged on a task.
Danny MacAskill - The Slabs | 6 min watch
The Isle of Skye. A guy descending with his mountain bike where he’s not supposed to.
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A most inviting tweet 😴
This week in a gif ⚽
High note ⚡
Last issue most clicked link was (again) X Minutes to Read.😊
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together.
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Until next week,