Going deep on a painting 💎 Issue #21
Plus: seeing football stadiums, reading the right amount of books, and a space shuttle where it's not supposed to be.
Hey you!
What’s up? 👇
Nothing much. I hope you and your ones are happy and healhy. And now, to this week’s newsletter…
New to me 💡
Seeing Our Own Reflection in the Birth of the Self-Portrait | 10 min read
I doubt there’s a less click-bait title than this one, and then you open the link and maybe what you see surprises you a little bit. What can I say. Someone goes deep, literally, on a self-portrait of a german painter from the 1500s. You want to leave the page, but somehow you keep scrolling and reading. How deep are you willing to go?
The joy of seeing a football stadium for the first time | 3 min read
Just because I love football stadiums and still remember the first time I saw one full to the brim while a kid.
Don't Read 100 Books Per Year - 6 Reasons to Read Fewer Books | 10 min watch
I’ve shared some links in this newsletter about reading habits. This video defends the premise of why we should read fewer books, or at least, not entering into challenges/goals of reading X books in a given timeframe. However I got something else from the video. Instead of number of books, either few or many, read the books that feel replenishing while reading them. Keep reading the books that are fueling your tank, that are teaching you what you wanted to learn, that are challenging where you need to be challenge and abandon the others.
(A different kind of) Shuttle from airport to the science center | 1 min watch
Never seen this before. Space Shuttle Endeavor strolling through the streets of LA on its way to its final resting place at California Science Center. Oh, just so you known this is from October 2012.
A most exhilarating tweet 😊

This app I discovered 🔎
Toonify Yourself! | Just upload one of your selfies to this Google-powered AI and see it spew out how you would look like if you were a character from Sesame Street.
This week in a gif 😮

High note ⚡
Last week’s most clicked link was, of course, Gradoberg's Entrance at Shug's Hoose Party.
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together. If so, I’d love if you shared it with some friends.
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If you are one of those friends and someone shared this with you, you are in luck, buy them a beer next time you are together, and meanwhile, you can subscribe to This Week’s Worth here:
Until next week,