How tiny projects can be big in fun 💎 Issue #28
Plus: Expensive ham is expensive and really long articles about really long movies.
Hey there!
What’s up? 👇
Nothing much. I hope you and your ones are happy and healthy. And now, to this week’s newsletter…
New to me 💡
The Battle of Helm’s Deep, Part I: Bargaining for Goods at Helm’s Gate | 38 min read
This article on a specific battle in the ‘Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers’ takes 38 minutes to read and it’s just part 1. There isn’t even the need to point the joke or the irony. If you are a fan of the movies/books this is a mandatory read, if not, well, I guess you are already on the next item and not reading this anymore. Seriously now, this is the contextualization in history and logistics of one of the most epic sieges in movie history. How does a fantasy battle hold up to scrutiny under the same rules of medieval battles after all?
Six months of Tiny Projects | 7 min read
I loved this one. This is a journey of a software developer through building six projects in a short time (initially the objective was 1 per week) while detailing some of his decisions, learnings, costs, and profits.
Why Spanish Iberian Ham Is The World's Most Expensive Cured Meat | 9 min watch
This is for you meat lovers. And I promise not to include any time soon in this newsletter another video that touches, even if slightly, Portugal.
Please help me grow this newsletter! I’d love if you shared it with your more curious friends.
A most overlapping tweet 🐻

This app I discovered 🔎
drumbit | I for sure don’t know enough about music production to take full advantage of this, but no one is stopping me from playing with it and having fun trying to come up with beats that are not horrible.
This week in a gif 🦍
High note ⚡
Last week’s most clicked link was The Most Underrated Country I've Ever Been To.
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together.
You can also show some love by clicking that tiny ❤️ at the top of the email. It would help spread the word.
If you are one of those friends and someone shared this with you, you are in luck, buy them a beer next time you are together, and meanwhile, you can subscribe to This Week’s Worth here:
Until next week,