When was the last time you read a letter? 💎 Issue #14
Plus: tricks to find the best stuff on Google and the pictures we take on asteroids.
Happy Friday!
What’s up?
This week I was on vacation in Alentejo. If you are not familiar with it, it’s the region containing the majority of southern Portugal. As you might expect, it was 39°C hot, dry, and beautiful.
Here are some of my favorite photos I took.
New to me 💡
The surface of the asteroid Ryugu taken by the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa-2
A mind-boggling picture we managed to take on an asteroid. Try letting that sink in. This is something we do now. Oh, and that darkness around it…
Dorking (how to find anything on the Internet) | 2 min read
You use google a lot and you think it does a decent job at finding the things you’re looking for. What if I told you there is a lot of tricks you don’t know about that can make your searches turn up a whole new level of results. This article has does tricks and it’s not just about finding anything, it’s about finding the best of everything.
From the archive 🗂
Hunter S. Thompson’s Letter on Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life | 6 min read
Maybe if you have read this letter without knowing the writer you would never guess it came from the same mind of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. If you don’t buy into the “finding your purpose” philosophy it’s still one of the best-written letters that you’ll come across and when was the last time you read a letter? Even if it was not addressed to you?
A most interesting tweet ♟️
(follow the thread)
This week in a gif 🌞
High note ⚡
Last week’s most clicked link was Kvak.
I hope you enjoyed these last minutes as much as me putting this together. If so, I’d love if you shared it with some friends.
You can also show some love by clicking that tiny ❤️ at the top of the email. It would help spread the word.
If you are one of those friends and someone shared this with you, you are in luck, buy them a beer next time you are together, and meanwhile, you can subscribe to This Week’s Worth here:
Until next week,